Tuesday, March 17, 2009

PJ's for the Hubby

Here is a pic of the pants I made Jordan. I made them without a pattern, which is way harder then I expected and it taught me a lot! But the fit is still a little off. Who knew boys needed crotch room?! But next time, now that I have this under my belt, should be much much better!

I made them with Alexander Henry Fabric I found in a awesome fabric store in downtown Taos.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We have a Winner!

YAY I'm so excited! Everyday I read this blog by a woman named Stacy. She sews and does projects and is a mom. So I really enjoy reading her blog, and this past week she gave away a sewing book a day. And I won one! YES!!! I won Toys to Sew and I can't wait to get it and make some toys for Aden. This might also help me out with one of my resolutions as well, making my own ornaments for next Christmas's ornament exchange with Jordan's family. So fun!!! Just thought I would share my excitement with you! WA HOOO!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

More Resolutions

I just thought of some more resolutions for this years projects!

  • Blankets for the family, I made this really awesome blanket for Aden and now my Brother in Law and Mother in law want one....Maybe for their birthdays?
  • I want to learn to crochet or knit, mostly crochet, and pick up embroidering again.
  • I record this show on the DIY network called Craft Lab, hosted by my favorite Kitschy Artist Jennifer Perkins, and this holiday season they did an episode on this AMAZING beaded tree! It looks like a lot of work but it's small enough that I think I could do this in front of the TV in the evenings (when I'm relaxing after work and the baby tucked away in bed). But check it out for yourself. I know an Aunt who would love this baby!

Well that's all I have for now. I really think I'm going to start on a project soon, so I can show you what I did instead of just talking about what I want to do. But I think I might start my embroidering back up with a needled point serenity prayer to hang in the house first. I was feeling down about the world and all it's injustices lately, so my wonderful Husband suggested I pray this, and it helped me feel a little bit better about all I was thinking and feeling. So I leave you with it, hopefully it will help you too!

O God,
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him

Friday, January 9, 2009

One year ago...

I was laying in a hospital bed and starting to get really freaked out! It's scary when you are about to give birth and there are doctors and nurses coming in and out and saying things like "heart-rate decelerating" and placing oxygen on your face. But at 12:46 pm a year ago my baby boy was born and it was a scary start, but life has been absolute bliss ever since. I don't think there is an accurate way to describe it all, some people get close, but you can never really explain it well. It's just the most amazing thing I've ever done and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. Happy Birthday my little man!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So this....

Is my first personal blog posting. I had so much fun with my family blog that I decided that I would start one for myself, and all the random thoughts that pop into my head, and my random projects. Speaking of projects, I think I'll start off with my 2009 New Years Resolution Projects.

1. Custom Felt Advent Calendar for Aden. I've seen some online that people have made from felt and I know it will be a lot of work (cause I made two this Christmas for my Nephews) but my baby is worth it, plus I'll have a whole year to work on it, if I don't wait till November to start them. I want to make them with the sequins and beads like the stocking kits you can buy, but it's going to be all my own design! Like the one you see here at the left. This is really where the idea started. I think it will be a lot of fun, but I need to brush up on my embroidering skills.

2. Make at least two of the ba-zillion brand new patterns that I have sitting up in my closet with some of the two tons of unused fabric that I have. I'm such a junkie for fabric and patterns, even if I never get around to them I can't help but buy more. UGH! You think I might need rehab?

3. I want to make this really cool Play Canopy for Aden's room. Once we don't need the changing table or his baby swing anymore (which is really soon now) we'll have room for it. And he's almost walking now too. If not this year then maybe next, it might be a little premature to make it so soon but I just LOVE it and I think it's way cool, I would have wanted it as a child for sure.

4. I got these really cool pincushion patterns from Heather Bailey this Christmas from the husband and I LOVE them! I want to work on making some for friends and family, and even making them into Christmas Tree ornaments for next year with the sequins and beads and all the fabulous-ness that comes with the season. (What's with all the Christmas themed resolutions?)

5. Organize my house better! We've been living in our current apartment now since July and I still feel like we just moved in. Maybe it's because we hardly spend any time at home, but I think that's about to change now that the wedding is over, Holiday's are over, etc. But this is a must accomplish resolution for me or I might just go mad looking for things!

That's all I currently have planned right now, well the big projects anyways, I have some really small ones planned as well but we will see. Oh and if you're wondering about the blog title, It's just one of my favorite Spanish words, the Cucuy is like the Spanish bogey man. I just have always loved this word for some reason. Sorry the explanation isn't better then that. But anyways I hope you all enjoy, or at least don't fall asleep while reading my blog. Take care!